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Tatra National Park

General, Tatra

Tatra National Park was established in 1954. Covering 21 197 hectares. Significantly it is the one of the largest national park in Poland. It is situated on the southern end of the Malopolska province.


Moreover the most famous endemic species is the chamois (symbol of TPN) is here. Also marmot and alpine plant Tatra scurvy-grass. The most characteristic are also; brown bear, as well lynx, golden eagle, edelweiss, lily gold heads, the Tatra larkspur and pine.  

TNP is made available for the different forms of activities. Especially hiking, skiing, biking, mountain climbing, downhill skiing. Eventually for the visitors Park offers 275 km of marked hiking trails. Varying degrees of difficulty from very easy to very difficult.


The Tatras are characterized by sharp-jagged peaks. It has stunning rock formations.  Rysy is the highest pick in Poland. Reaching a height of 8,199 feet (2,499 m). Wielka Sniezna is the longest from over 600 caves. Wielka Siklawa is the tallest waterfall (70 m). Hikes vary in length ranging from a short hour-long to all-day treks and even multi-day outings. The trails vary in difficulty. Some are paved making it accessible to all. Because of the terrain, the majority are rated significantly moderate to difficult.

Tatra, Winter


It is very important that you familiarize yourself with the weather conditions at the same time the current avalanche danger in the Tatras before hiking certainly. Accordingly find here the actual avalance danger scale. Moreover important to understand the scale definition.

It’s worth checking occasionally several times a day.